
October 19, 2009

Event | Native American Art Studies Association Conference

(NAASA logo from

The 16th biennial NAASA conference will be held in Norman, Oklahoma, October 21-24, 2009.

The program will open with a welcoming reception on Wednesday evening and conclude with a banquet on Saturday night, offering three full days of conference sessions, evening activities, and late night sessions in between.

Session topics include:
- ‘Cultural Transvestites’ and Other Vexed Identities in Native American Culture
- Art Value(s): Meaning, Transmission, And Money In Traditional And Contemporary American Indian Art
- Native American Painting in the 21st Century
- Artistic Traditions in the ‘Greater’ Great Lakes
- Unchained Legacies: The Effects of Collectors, Collecting, and Curation on Interpretation and Meaning
- Appropriations Gone Wild
- New Trends in Indigenous Media
- Reinventing the Enemy’s Language

My panel presentation is on Saturday:

Identity Inscribed: Tattooing, Piercing, and Other Body Arts
Chair: Kathryn Bunn-Marcuse, University of Washington

Identity Inscribed: Bracelets and Tattooing on the Northwest Coast
Kathryn Bunn-Marcuse, University of Washington

To¢li¢ Chikashsha inaafokha : Chickasaw Stickball Regalia
Joshua D. Hinson, Chickasaw Nation

What You See is Who I Am: Some Native Jewelry and Identity
Beverly Twitchell Marchant, Marshall University

Reading the Fashioned Body: Native High Fashion and Body Art
Jessica Metcalfe, Turtle Mountain Chippewa, University of Arizona

The Inscriber Inscribed: Tattoos and Labrets as recorded by Alaskan Yupik Artist Florence Nupok
Mary Goodwin, Ph.D., University of Alaska Fairbanks