
April 15, 2010

Video | Canada Aboriginal Fashion: New, Original & Sexy

Recently, RayVanEng posted this video clip of the Aboriginal fashion showcase during the Olympic Games in Vancouver:

The Four Host First Na­tions FHFN pre­sent­ed an abo­rig­i­nal fash­ion show­case that fea­tured four of Cana­da's emerg­ing fash­ion de­sign­ers—Kim Pi­card, Tam­my Beau­vais, Louie Gong, and Tra­cy Toulouse as part of the ex­cit­ing events sur­round­ing the Van­cou­ver 2010 Olympic Games. These abo­rig­i­nal artists draw on the rich his­to­ry of the Inu­it, Metis and First Na­tions and in­cor­po­rate tra­di­tion­al na­tive arts and de­signs in­to con­tem­po­rary cloth­ing. It is a new fash­ion state­ment, both orig­i­nal and au­then­tic, for the artists them­selves and the ap­par­el-​buy­ing gen­er­al pub­lic. Mu­sic is by DJ Kwe.

Canada Aboriginal Fashion: New, Original & Sexy

RayVanEng | MySpace Video