If you happen to find yourself in Tokyo, jont on over to the Monaco Grand Gallery to view the Ralph Lauren Vintage Native American exhibition. The exhibition features Ralph Lauren's collections inspired by American Indian motifs and designs. I'm not aware of any other exhibit to look at his Native collections - so it should be interesting to see all of these examples in one setting. Lauren is well-known for his 'Americana' gear, and his Polo products embraced an idealized aspect of the American cultural experience.
His Santa-Fe collection was added to the brand in 1981, providing Navajo-inspired designs that were a global success, and he has probably done more than any other designer to romanticize the Southwest.
The exhibition will take place at the Monaco Grand Gallery and opened on August 27th, 2010.
Monaco Grand Gallery
36-4 Toyodabiru udagawachou
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo