November 23, 2011

Random Inspiration from

Somehow I got on the listserv for - and normally I don't much care for mass emails, but this one was full of gems.

First, they tell me about Attaching Metal Cones. It's a cool little article that has nothing to do with what I do on a daily basis, but it was interesting. It made me want to go out and attached some cones to something.

Then, they have the latest pics from the 2011 Manito Ahbee Powwow posted. And one of them was this awesome snapshot:

And then, evidently, they sell really cool stuff on this website! (haha, I know, many of you probably already know this, but I'm behind the times!)

(Handcrafted and naturally dyed Porcupine Quill Earrings (I *need* these).)

(Floral-patterned headband made from cut beads and rhinestones (I do not need this, but the maker says the headband "would make an awesome addition to anyones dance outfit!" and I agree).)

I kinda can't wait til the next mass email from them. But, until then, I can always just keep updated on their Facebook page.