I'm in Tempe right now, and there are no snowflakes in sight, so I decided to create a Treasury List of items that combine the colors of white, silver and black, and give me that cool 'snowflake feel.' Snowflake feel? Yea, that. Click here to see the full collection.
(I've been blogging about Etsy to drawn greater awareness to Native American and First Nations artists and small businesses.)
Polar bear claw necklace
Vintage Enamel Flower Brooch and Earrings
Dentalium Shell Choker with pearl color beads, and milky white round beads
Silver Petal Pearl Earrings in Metallic Dark Grey
Large Sterling Silver Native Moneyclip
13" Macbook Pro Laptop Cover Sleeve Case Pendleton Wool
Sterling Navajo Rug Weaving Pin
T-Bird Earrings
Click here to peep the full collection.
Vintage Enamel Flower Brooch and Earrings
Dentalium Shell Choker with pearl color beads, and milky white round beads
Silver Petal Pearl Earrings in Metallic Dark Grey
Large Sterling Silver Native Moneyclip
13" Macbook Pro Laptop Cover Sleeve Case Pendleton Wool
Sterling Navajo Rug Weaving Pin
T-Bird Earrings
Click here to peep the full collection.