Every month I take the time to compile these tidbits into a 'Best of' post where I highlight some of the coolest images, the most interesting articles, the biggest misappropriators, and the neatest videos that were posted to BB's Facebook page.
So here you go, fashionistas, the Best of April:
1. CNN happened.
2. Beyond Buckskin was also featured on Complex.com.
3. Al Jazeera had an entire program about cultural appropriation, and no Native American people were on the panel. WTF. Seems a little off considering the gross misappropriations of Native American cultures and aesthetics by companies, musicians, and hipsters these days. But hey, as long as you have a guy who knows some Native folks on the panel, then we're totally cool, right.
4. "Ceci n'est pas un conciliateur." / "This is not a peacemaker." New tee by Dustin Martin for S.O.L.O. We launched it. It sold out. We're restocking as we speak.
5. Beyond Buckskin was featured on NYC PRowler.
6. So shnazzy!! Top hat with edge beaded hat band from the Cedar Chest shop in Pawhuska, Oklahoma.
7. Gotta love a man in quillwork. Martin Sensmeier models the Beyond Buckskin Lookbook collection, click here to shop now.
8. Hahhahahaaaa! How To Be A Reverse-Racist: An Actual Step by Step List For Oppressing White People.
9. Our artists are incredibly important - they use a form of expression that cuts across racial, cultural, social, educational, and economic barriers and enhance cultural appreciation and awareness. How much money do you spend on buying Native American art per year?
10. This happened:
11. Alaska Native fashion is getting the recognition it deserves.
12. This guy had the audacity to challenge us - he wanted to know, "If there's something offensive then please share your view with more than one word." Alright then. We responded.
13. I joined Patricia Michaels and Nicholas Galanin on Native America Calling for a discussion about the future of Native Fashion!
14. Ehrmahgerd!! It's two of my favorite ladies, Bethany Yellowtail and Blake Sisk talkin' fashion!
15. A visual treat: PHOTOS from the BBB x P4 event!
16. Northern exposure: Designers from Canada's North showcase eclectic fashions at the NAC.
17. I decided that we need a lingerie department, and call it "Beyond Breechcloths"
18. Dang girl -
19. Fierce! Navajo fashion designer Orlando Dugi's collection at Oklahoma Fashion Week:
20. Fabulous!! Jackets by Shayne Watson, AISGSA fashion show, DNez Photography.
21. Patricia Michaels rocks it and makes the TOP 3 for Project Runway!!
22. Smart Ways to Rock Native American Inspired Fashion - Thank you herdaily.com for the shout out!
23. Shout outs to Andrea Preston, Jacob Meders, Thosh Collins, Jeremy Arviso, Kevin Duncan, Amber Benallie, Kimberleigh Begay, Amson Collins, and MORE! It's the P4 style blog - Click here to peep the stylistas.
24. This video pissed off some white people who thought I was being racist to them:
25. Oh man - the Project Runway finale, featuring Native American fashion designer Patricia Michaels (Taos), was momentous!
26. Johnny Depp said "Greetings and salutations" to the Gathering of Nations audience via a video he shot while being surrounded by candles. People got upset that I correctly called this video awkward (dang everybody is all 'touchy' about JD!):
27. New vid by Sterlin Harjo for A Tribe Called Red's "Look At This" track - all dance styles welcome!
28. It's prom season! Help these young kids from my community win a competition- they are adorable! (and one of the only Native couples in the bunch! Lots of props!). All you have to do is click here and like their picture.
29. Find some resources on White Privilege here and here.
30. Fashion designer and artist JT Willie (Navajo) won the Artist of the Year Award for the Indian Arts and Crafts Association!
31. Yea! BBBxGON Stage 49 Glow Party Fashion Show held during the Gathering of Nations Powwow in Albuquerque (more images/post forthcoming). Photo courtesy Jonathan Sims.
Cheers! Now, on to MAY! ->