Beyond Buckskin will give away five $20 BBB Gift Certificates for the images with the most likes on Instagram, Facebook, or Tumblr.
The rules are simple:
1) the post has to be of Native American-made fashion/jewelry that you are wearing (or someone like your Gramma or nephew gives you permission to use his/her image),
2) the photo has to be shot during this week (Jan 13-19) - no reposts of "that one time" long ago when you wore something cool,
3) it needs to be a public post so we can see it (or else how are we gonna count all your votes?!),
4) we can't combine your likes on different social media platforms - so pick just one,
5) one person can win multiple times, I guess, if they're just killing it with multiple awesome images/outfits and reeling in the likes,
6) the final tally will happen on Sunday, Jan 19, at midnight CST.
What do you think!? Yea?! Join in the fun and start posting images of you in all that fly Native fashion! Click here to learn more about the #goNative campaign.