Four years ago, a tobacco company in Akwesasne, Jacobs Manufacturing, started a native fashion show to raise money for the local hat and mitten fund. The “Nations Best Next Top Model Show” has grown into a big attraction. More than a thousand fans filled the Jacobs plant on the St. Regis Mohawk reservation last Saturday night.
Grammy-award winner Joanne Shenandoah performed.
Models from Iroquois communities showed off the work of ten Mohawk designers. The fashions included traditional regalia, cocktail and casual wear, and furs.
Joni Sarah White, an Akwesasne artist, joined models and designers at last weekend’s Nations Best Next Top Models Show in Akwesasne. Winning model Chatnie Herne won a one-year contract with an Ottawa modeling agency.
Producer Randi Rourke Barreiro was backstage and by the runway for today’s Heard Up North. Click here to hear the audio interviews with models, organizers, and designers of the event: Native fashion adorns runway in Akwesasne, or click here for the video: Akwesasne flashes its fashion on the runway.

Karina White of Akwesasne models a traditional outfit, designed by Niio Perkins. Photos by Randi Rourke Barreiro

Winning model Chatnie Herne won a one-year contract with an Ottawa modeling agency.