54th Annual Heard Indian Fair & Market that was held this past weekend in Phoenix.
Some newer names showed up on the list of winners, joining the ever-awesome D.Y. Begay, Dyanni Hamilton-Youngbird, Dallin Maybee, and Jamie Okuma, who were all awarded ribbons (as you'll see below).
To the left is a dress titled, 'Dentalium Shell Medicine Dress,' made by Catherine Blackhorse (Seminole), which won a Blue Ribbon in its division, but it also took home the Best of Class award for Classification VI: Textiles, Weavings, Clothing.
All of the photos in this post were taken by me during the Friday night Best of Show reception.
DY Begay (Navajo), 'Serape,'
Judge's Award
Dyanni Hamilton-Youngbird (Navajo), 'Beaded Vest,'
Best of Class, VII: Diverse Art Forms
Hollis Chitto (Laguna/Isleta/Choctaw), 'Beaded Derby Hat,'
Honorable Mention, VII: Diverse Art Forms A
Dallin Maybee (Northern Arapaho/Seneca), 'Baby Bonnet with Fur,'
Judge's Award
Jamie Okuma (Luiseno/Shoshone/Bannock), 'Platform Boots,'
Second Place, VII: Diverse Art Forms B