While we know her through Beyond Buckskin for her beautiful hand-woven cedar bark bracelets and earrings, she also creates other work and has apprenticed under notable artists such as master Haida carver Jay Simeon.
Learning the foundations of Northwest Coast art is no easy task, but the young Avis has taken on this challenge willingly. She recently finished her first project with Simeon, a hand-painted hand drum. She explains, "This drum is very important to me because it is the story of my family. It represents where I come from."
Since her older sister brought the cultural knowledge of weaving back into their family 5 years ago, Avis has sought to pass on these skills, and to share the vitality of her cultural heritage with the broader international world. She says, "In order to continue on my path of cultural preservation I am in need of your support to ensure that my culture continues to uplift, empower and heal my people."
Click here to learn more about her photo etching project, and please consider supporting our young artists and culture bearers.