
January 15, 2014

#GoNative Day 3 Picks

The #GoNative campaign to wear Native-made fashion and jewelry for a week is wrapping up its third day. With hundreds of images on Instagram, Facebook, and Tumblr, we're getting pretty excited about the potential of this project.

So, like Technotronics, we're pumping up the jam, and the 5 Most Liked Images at the end of this week (Jan 19 at 11:59pm) will be awarded a $20 Beyond Buckskin Gift Certificate! You can scroll down to see some of our favorite images so far. It's not too late to join, and it only takes only one image to win!

TIP: Facebook hashtags don't work as good as Instagram's, and Tumblr is being kind of weak, so your best chance to win would be with Instagram.

You can find Beyond Buckskin and these folks on Instagram, or scroll through all the #GoNative images, and vote for and like the ones you think should win (click on the image to zoom).