Last January, I asked readers to wear Native-made fashion and share it with the digital word via the hashtag #GoNative. And the results were awesome. For one week, we took over Instagram, Tumblr and Twitter with images that showed us wearing some of our most fierce Native-made fashion and accessories. Even babies joined in!
Let’s do it again!
Launching Monday, November 10, and running until midnight on Sunday November 16, let’s take over again. Go grocery shopping in your best Native-made tee, grab coffee rockin' your flyest pair of beaded earrings, go out and show off that expensive stuff – the Native-made quillwork, scarf, dress, or jacket that costs a little bit more but was sooo worth it. If you can, wear something different each day. If you only own one item by a Native artist, that's ok, just rock it hard. Post it up on your favorite social media site and tag it #goNative.
Anyone can participate; rally everyone to participate! Your niece, your uncle, your baby, and your main squeeze. Let's go Native and have some fun with Native fashion. Forget Urban Outfitters, H&M and Forever 21’s knock-offs – the legit stuff is way better. It’s fresher – it’s more unique, more authentic. Each day, we should be able to scroll through the #goNative hashtag and be inspired by the new images - the vibrancy, the creativity.
The main idea behind this project is to get Native American and First Nations fashion out there more - to increase pride and educate about the diversity and beauty in contemporary Native American design. Throughout the week, Beyond Buckskin will highlight our favorite images and spotlight our most creative contributors. Let's inspire and be inspired, support and uplift - we live in a beautiful time!